Education Team

Goh Education Center has an excellent teaching staff that is skilled at communicating with students and parents alike.

Our educators focus on three major areas: responsibility, patience, and passion.  Each educator takes a personal responsibility for teaching their students what they need to know in order to succeed academically.  Students are carefully monitored to track progress and areas of difficulty.  Teachers at Goh make it high priority to ensure mastery of subject matter.

We at Goh understand that patience is a must when teaching children.  Each student has his or her own pace of learning and our teachers are attuned to that pace.  When a student grasps a concept, they are encouraged to move forward.  If the student is a bit slower in understanding subject matter, our teachers give that child time to fully understand the material.  Students have different learning styles which educators also must be aware of.  Our teachers understand this and work with each student to achieve maximum success in the classroom.

Passion is an essential element to successful education.  At Goh Education Center, our instructors are passionate about material and confer this passion to their students.  When children see that their teacher is excited about the education process, they become eager to learn and are inspired to achieve even more.